"..If you plucked a special moment from life and framed it, were you defying death, decay and the passage of time, or were you submitting to them?" 

- Orhan Pamuk


Most ancestral homes have a wall exclusively dedicated for photographs, giving glimpses of all the blessed moments of family; marriage, betrothal, graduation and so forth. Not to mention the candid pictures from the simplest moments of life. As time passes, lives of the newer members too emerge on the already crowded space. The older ones submit themselves to legacy.

Much like a book of lores and legends, there is something evocative about these walls. Each photograph, a time capsule in itself, narrates a story of culture and customs that are alien to the newer generations. We easily notice the transitions time had brought to every aspect of human life. We see ourselves connected to a story that is unfamiliar and vague, and yet the feeling of belongingness keep us at ease. Memories come alive for us, we watch, our eyes fixated.

~the storyteller walls.


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